90/10M Internship

Come to live and serve in the Czech Republic for 90 days

Be Brave! Be Bold! Be Bright!

Bring Hope to a Nation

The Czech Republic is a beautiful country in Central Europe. Bordered by Germany, Austria, Poland, and Slovakia, this small nation of 10 million is rich in history, culture, and beauty. The visual beauty stands in stark contrast to the spiritual darkness here. The hope of knowing Jesus, and being eternally changed by His love, is clearly absent around the country. 90/10M Internship exists to change this sad reality.

10M Foundation organizes several short term missions each year. Annually, we bring around 70 people to share the gospel of Jesus Christ across Czechia. What is different about 90/10M Internship is that the participants live in the Czech Republic for 90 days, and in collaboration with a local church, work to impact the Czech people through building deeper relationships and friendships with them.

Build a friendship / Change a life


In Matthew 28, the Lord Jesus commanded His church to “go and make disciples of all nations”. The Czech nation is not excluded from this commission of our King. All we need is faith, an obedient heart, and a willing spirit to go and step into the flow of God’s work already underway here. By building friendships with the young and old, we make an eternal impact in the hearts and souls of the Czech people.

Focus on Details

WHEN WOULD I GO? We would like to send a team every fall season. The exact dates would be determined by your schedule and by what type of ministry you could be a part of over the summer.

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? To live in Prague and in the Czech Republic for three months will cost you around $5,000 including airfare.

WILL I GO ALONE? It is biblical that we should go in pairs. 10M will do everything within our power to send you with a small team of 2 to 5 people.

WHERE WILL I STAY? 10M will help you find and secure an apartment for the duration of your time in the Czech Republic.

WHAT WILL MY DAY LOOK LIKE? Serving during the Sunday morning services, meeting college students for coffee, being a part of Bible studies and Young Adults group, traveling to minister to youth groups in different parts of the country, attending conferences. These and other similar events are all part of the Internship.

WHAT IS THE PARTNER CHURCH? 10M Foundation collaborates with Heart Prague International Church. HP is officially under the Apostolic Church of the Czech Republic. Its pastor, Petr Rattay, and his wife, Renata, have huge hearts for the Czech people, as well as those living, studying, and working in Prague from other nations world-wide.

CAN I DO SCHOOL? Absolutely, many Interns before you continued their education through online courses and curriculum.

WHAT ARE 10M BELIEFS? https://10mfoundation.org/statement-of-faith-2/

DO I NEED TO BELIEVE THE SAME? Yes. We are looking for those who have a deep and thriving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Personal salvation by faith in the completed work of Jesus Christ, secured by His atoning work on the cross and in His resurrection from the dead are crucial. If you find yourslef agreeing with our core beliefs as stated on our webiste, you are good to go.

THIS SOUNDS GREAT, NOW WHAT? Let us know that you are interested and we will reach out to you, have you fill out an application, and set a FaceTime meeting with you. Then we all will give ourselves some time to pray and seek the Lord and wait for His confirmation. The rest is easy!

Do I have what it takes?

We understand that moving overseas can seem overwelming and daunting. We work with those selected for the 90/10M Internship Program to prepare and equip them for the mission ahead. Living in Prague and in the Czech Republic is comfortbale, western-like, and safe. Working under a local church and its leadership provides another layer of safety and guidance. Above all, and most importantly, the Lord directed His church to go to all the nations, and therefore He is, and will continue to be, faithful to provide what is needed to answer the call and live out that commandemnt.

In short, you absolutely have what it takes!

The Czech Republic Is Waiting For You

Build friendships

Interns in Action Video

Grow in your faith

Contact us

Great coffee is all over CZ…

                                       … share a cup and your faith

Czechs love Prague…

                                                          … you will too!


Harvest is ready…

                             … will you become a harvester?